
Friday, December 23, 2022

Writing toys

 Look at my early Christmas present!

She is so pretty, and she makes the clickety-clack of the typewriter sounds. 😁 I'm both taken back to high school and being soothed by the lovely ASMR.  And the colors!  OMG!  LOOK AT THEM!  They explode from the keyboard.  I could type in the dark.  I won't, but I could. 😊

Yeah.  You guessed it.  No jewelry on my Wish List.  No fancy shoes or purses.  I have one purse.  I have maybe three pairs of shoes.  I have no idea how to wear make-up.  I'd love for someone to take pity and show me how to do the basics.  Priority?  Not hardly.  

What do I want?  
I told my son I wanted these:

He sent them to me.  Good kid.  I, um, have no place to put them because I took my regular colored post-it notes out of my post-it note holder to put my pastel post-it notes in there.  There is no room at the inn.  Right now, I've taken these beautiful babies out of the box, and they're chilling out on my bookshelf.  

While I literally have these overflowing on my desk and in my drawers, I will always take another:
set of pens (fountain, gel, med point, etc.)
unlined post-it notes
composition book (I actually have a decomposition book-delightful)
reference book (mythology, baby names, odd facts, any type of dictionary or random house word book)
index cards (I don't have any color ones yet)

Writers live in their heads a lot of the time, and we don't need a lot from the outside world.  The outside world, quite honestly, leaves a lot to be desired most days.  It's just out there...worlding.  But inside my head?  There's conversation, laughter, action, and so many thoughts you could drown in them.

However, the writing will take a backseat the next couple days to family.  Babies and grandbabies.  They ARE my world.  I'm sure I'll jot down notes and whatnot.  But the real writing will wait until Christmas wraps up.  

Then I'll hop on Amazon and see what's on sale in their office supplies. 🤔  Maybe some colored index cards. 😂

Always writing*
...and wishing all of you Happy Holidays!

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