
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Routine and the wild hair.

I'm a study of contrasts.  

I love to have my holidays the same.  All my babies and gbabies come up and there's laughter and food and frivolity.  It's exhausting and beautiful.  Thanksgiving and Christmas will be different this year.  Oldest moved out of state about a week ago.  Middle will not be coming up with her two daughters.  But Baby Child will with J and their three babies.  That'll be my grandson and two granddaughters.  I am excited!  But it's going to be a lot different.  I like to cook for an army for the holidays.  I'm scaling that down.  Still not sure how that looks right now.

I have a routine with my writing.  The only time that changes is for appointments or the Honey having her knee replacement and whatnot.  But it's usually waking up.  Taking meds.  Breakfast.  Monster or smoothie.  Writing.  Except I don't know if Mercury is doing the cha-cha or fucking what.  Because suddenly my phone is going off and weird shit is going on.  I start typing and something happens.  I am completely unamused.  I'm in the flow, and then my focus is broken.  It's not pretty.

But the other part of me?  I want at least one more tattoo, preferably two, before the end of the year.  I want a mani/pedi.  I am NOT a mani/pedi girl.  But I want black polish.  I want to shop for clothes and be frivolous.  I want to wear make-up (I have no idea how).  I want to blast music and scream and go out in the woods and howl.  I want to do weird and crazy shit that makes people uncomfortable.  That's my wild hair.  I love her.  

It's part of why I love writing so much.  My characters can literally do anything.  Do I live vicariously?  Sometimes.  How can I not?  Because when I'm away from my computer and picture the scenes, it's a movie.  I'm there.  I love the characters.  I live the characters.

I'll continue to be a big bundle of chaos.  Keeps things lively.  Keeps me sane.  But I'll post pictures when I get my new ink.  🥳 😁💖 

Always writing*

Ray says "Hi!"

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