I think this year, perhaps more than any other, it's important to be vocal. It seems as though the LGBTQIA+ community is facing more hate than ever. The Transgender Community targeted with more vitriol. A community that simply wants to love being torn apart by those who fear what they don't understand and will never try to. What is there to understand? Love. Love across genders and non-genders. Uncomplicated unfettered unrestricted love. Scary, huh?
It's not.
If it's about appearance, then being shallow is a chosen trait. Fix yourself. If it's about what people are doing in their bedrooms, that, quite frankly, is no one's business but those involved.
I find it horrifying the fascination and condemnation from those that use THAT as their moral objection. Guess what? Hetero couples? I know for a DAMN FACT there is shit going on up in there that I want no part of. What people do, sexually, to each other is no one else's concern if it's consensual. The fact that you are fixated by it says a LOT about you and nothing about them.
I live in a state where a bigoted white male makes laws. He's a despicable human being who has forced his agenda on the entire population. I can't stand the sight of him.
HE is what happens when we don't speak up.
HE is what happens when we don't educate others.
HAPPY PRIDE! LOUD AND PROUD! Spreading love! 💓
Always writing!
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