It's my day off. We all know that doesn't mean what it sounds like.
I'll be editing "Fascination", third book in the Rivers Sisters series, for the last time. Possibly uploading to Amazon today. If not, I have Wednesday and Thursday off. I'll shoot for that. I work tomorrow at the day job, which is ass. A one-to-five day is actually a 10-6 day for me. Getting ready, driving an hour, working 12-5, driving an hour home. The day is shot. But it's my LAST Sunday to have to work. There's that. 😁
Will work on "Incantation", fourth book in the Rivers Sisters series, if I feel the yen to do so. Or I can pop back over and work on my first book of a dark little trilogy I started. Not sharing the title. It's a thing for me. I'm a bit superstitious in that way. Not a romance in the slightest. Reflection, regression, and redemption. Story of a soul and the journey it takes. I was on that hot and heavy before I popped out "Dante's Desire", finished "Fascination", and absolutely glued myself to the keyboard for "Chimera". It's always that main character that plucks at me. I'm absolutely addicted to writing their stories.
Have I told you about my mind cabin? 😎
It's sort of like a chalet, I've never been to one, but my subconscious has ideas. I'm chilling out in the main room. All sorts of beings wandering in and out. Some say "Hi!". Some give me a dude nod. Some promise to see me later...with no indication of how long "later" will be. And they explore and walk off to wherever they need to be. It's wonderful. High traffic. I greet everyone. Every once in awhile I'm taken off-guard, but that's okay. It's good for me. It is, quite literally, never a dull moment in my white matter.
I'm off to be a word wizard. Have a wonderful weekend!
Always writing*