
Sunday, June 19, 2022

In a mood

 My mood dictates my writing.  I was in one this morning.  Dark but not too dark.  Was going to go with "C" but decided that really was a bit too much this morning.  "Incantation" it is.  Conflict scenes.  The right amount of static to fit my mood.

Words of wisdom to myself:  Do NOT open iCloud and start playing with stories you've started in lieu of simply opening up one of the three you are seriously writing now.  You will piss yourself off that they are not finished...hate when that happens, and you will have wasted time not writing on one that you know you'll publish in a couple months.  DO NOT take you phone into the bathroom with you.  TIK TOK is the devil.  Fifteen minutes later, my legs are numb, and still no writing.  sigh...

Good news?  Working on "Incantation" and probably putting some words down on Book Five, "Transformation".  Makes me happy. 😁

Always writing*

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Saturday Saturday

This is it.  My last Saturday to work at the day job. 🎉  When I say it's's weird.  I have an Exit Interview planned.  I need to clean up my desk here.  I don't have a lot of stuff, but I need to pick a day to take most of it home.  I'm here two more weeks, and I don't want it completely bare, though.  🤔

I feel like I'm stuck at the in-between.  The "long goodbye" as the Honey calls it.  I want to dive into the writing, but I'm still tethered to the day job for a few.  Also want to work a few rooms around the house.  The Sun Room needs a bit of sprucing.  And the living room needs some rearranging, as well.  That makes me excited.  Sometimes, besides the writing, I think I've almost forgotten what that's like.  

Have a lovely Saturday.  Bury your nose in a book for me. 💓

Always writing*

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Here's your sign

Inspiration is a wonderful chaotic quixotic being.  I say that with love in my heart.

Most people are looking for inspiration to create or continue or even begin.  That invisible push that keeps you on the path.  That drives you to the finish line.  That booming voice in your head CHEERING YOU ON!

My inspiration whispers.  Always has.  My brain did rock, paper, scissors this morning and decided to work on "C", which is the first book in my dark trilogy.  The inspiration for the book came from a single-word sign on a truck as I was driving down the highway.  One word triggered an entire book which then triggered two more.

Inspiration can literally be found anywhere.  It can be in the seed of a dandelion.  It can be in the curve of a woman's eyebrow.  It can be in the deep timbre of a man's voice.  It can be the shout of victory.  It can be the comfort of a police siren.  It can be your grandmother's soup.

Be open to what calls to you.

Mine happens to be an incredibly damaged young woman with no filters, little sense of self-preservation, and homicidal tendencies.  She and I are going to have so much fun today. 🥳 

Always writing*

Saturday, June 11, 2022

I love weekends

Weekends are for creating.  They are for writing, editing, and absolutely driving myself mad with all that needs to be done with the writing side of life.  

The day job drains my energy.  The writing life?  Oh.  My.  Lord.  I'm manic.  The more I do, the more energy I have.  I bought four packages of ruled index cards.  I keep my word counts for my books and little notes on them.  Three dollars at the Dollar Store.  I'm looking at them like this:  😍  I may have stroked the package they're wrapped in.  None of you will ever know...

Today, I will be having my webmaster (my Honey--she has a Masters in Computer Science and does fancy computer stuff for a living.  God knows we are opposites 🤨) add "Fascination" to my website and rearrange things a bit.  Little sidenote:  I'm addicted to office supplies.  Like, a LOT.  I will now be creating an Excel spreadsheet with the names of the agents I've queried, as they are scattered across a plethora of post-it notes on my desk.  

If I've time after that, I'll work on either "Incantation" or my first book in the dark trilogy.  Have over 17,000 words on that one.  Looks like I haven't worked on that since October.  Then again, I've published a short M/M Erotic Romance, edited and published "Fascination", and wrote a book in three months that I'm particularly proud of and owns a piece of my soul.  

I'm calling it good.

Have a lovely weekend!

Always writing*

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Isn't she lovely? Book Three in the Rivers Sisters series.


Kindle Edition now available on Amazon.  Paperback should be ready within two days.  💖


Megan Rivers has itchy feet and a short attention span. Legendary in the family for not keeping a job longer than two weeks, Spencer mentions an artist friend who needs a caretaker while he creates. Wade hires Megan, and a mutual attraction sparks. But both are more than they tell each other. She's a witch. He's fey royalty. They begin a relationship which catches them by surprise with its intensity.
An unexpected announcement shocks them both and sends Megan into a tailspin. She steps away, hurt, from everyone and exposes herself to the darkness that haunts her family. One quick strike leaves the redhead fighting for her life. Now it's up to Wade and her family to find her before her last breath.

Always writing*

Another rainy day. May as well publish a book.

 What does one do when it's another rainy day, and your short happy ass does NOT want to go out and get groceries in it?

One publishes a book. 🥳

Submitted "Fascination", Book 3 of the Rivers Sisters series to Amazon, both paperback and Kindle.  It's always a surreal and incredibly proud moment.  Rather like giving birth.  

I did that.  I made that.  I love that.  Look at how pretty my baby is.  🥰

And then me.  Being me.  Starts immediately back on another work.  I've two works in progress right now.  Book one in an incredibly dark series.  And I've started on Book 4 in the River Sisters series.  Of course, now that I've finished Book 3, I'm also jotting down scenes for Book 5.  It's cute how I do that.  🙄  Sure.  I won't bite off toooooo much.  But when I finish a book in a series like that, I will immediately start giving myself permission to explore the book in progress and the next one.


Always writing*

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Rivers Sisters Series

 Brief overview of the five-book series:

Colleen, Heather, Megan, and Paisley are raised by their mother, Grace Rivers. They are witches unknown to all magical historians. Their father, Herman, sacrificed himself for their mother, and their family is cursed to never reunite. But there is a slim chance. For each daughter must find a mate worthy to make the dangerous trek to rescue Herman. None realize this, but the powers that imprisoned him know. The dark ones throw everything they can at this family to prevent that rescue from ever happening.

But these witches are strong and will not back down from any challenge. The stakes are raised in each book, higher and higher, with evil finding new ways to hurt and try to stop the fractured family.

Most rivers run.

But these Rivers fight.


Always writing*

Saturday Plans

 It's my day off.  We all know that doesn't mean what it sounds like.

I'll be editing "Fascination", third book in the Rivers Sisters series, for the last time.  Possibly uploading to Amazon today.  If not, I have Wednesday and Thursday off.  I'll shoot for that.  I work tomorrow at the day job, which is ass.  A one-to-five day is actually a 10-6 day for me.  Getting ready, driving an hour, working 12-5, driving an hour home.  The day is shot.  But it's my LAST Sunday to have to work.  There's that.  😁

Will work on "Incantation", fourth book in the Rivers Sisters series, if I feel the yen to do so.  Or I can pop back over and work on my first book of a dark little trilogy I started.  Not sharing the title.  It's a thing for me.  I'm a bit superstitious in that way.  Not a romance in the slightest.  Reflection, regression, and redemption.  Story of a soul and the journey it takes.  I was on that hot and heavy before I popped out "Dante's Desire", finished "Fascination", and absolutely glued myself to the keyboard for "Chimera".  It's always that main character that plucks at me.  I'm absolutely addicted to writing their stories.  

Have I told you about my mind cabin?  😎

It's sort of like a chalet, I've never been to one, but my subconscious has ideas.  I'm chilling out in the main room.  All sorts of beings wandering in and out.  Some say "Hi!".  Some give me a dude nod.  Some promise to see me later...with no indication of how long "later" will be.  And they explore and walk off to wherever they need to be.  It's wonderful.  High traffic.  I greet everyone.  Every once in awhile I'm taken off-guard, but that's okay.  It's good for me.  It is, quite literally, never a dull moment in my white matter.

I'm off to be a word wizard.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Always writing*

Thursday, June 2, 2022


 I think this year, perhaps more than any other, it's important to be vocal.  It seems as though the LGBTQIA+ community is facing more hate than ever.  The Transgender Community targeted with more vitriol.  A community that simply wants to love being torn apart by those who fear what they don't understand and will never try to.  What is there to understand?  Love.  Love across genders and non-genders.  Uncomplicated unfettered unrestricted love.  Scary, huh?


It's not.

If it's about appearance, then being shallow is a chosen trait.  Fix yourself.  If it's about what people are doing in their bedrooms, that, quite frankly, is no one's business but those involved.

I find it horrifying the fascination and condemnation from those that use THAT as their moral objection.  Guess what?  Hetero couples?  I know for a DAMN FACT there is shit going on up in there that I want no part of.  What people do, sexually, to each other is no one else's concern if it's consensual.  The fact that you are fixated by it says a LOT about you and nothing about them.

I live in a state where a bigoted white male makes laws.  He's a despicable human being who has forced his agenda on the entire population.  I can't stand the sight of him.  

HE is what happens when we don't speak up.  

HE is what happens when we don't educate others.  

HAPPY PRIDE!  LOUD AND PROUD!  Spreading love!  💓

Always writing!