
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Only a dozen or so...

I have a problem. Not exactly a BAD problem, per se. But it may be getting a tidge out of hand. Or this could be a good problem, and I should simply go with it.
Here's what's what.

I have professed my love for Microsoft OneNote. Online notebook I use as my creative post-it notes and author board (correct word?). I use a page as a person, place, or thing. I can pop in text or images and use to go back and forth. Each notebook is a piece of work. The pages inside detail my research with my notes.

I open OneNote as I'm not sure whether I'd like to continue with my billionaire book, Liam, or now Jackson has entered the fray. On the other hand Ray, I love her with my soul, has been making noise about finishing her story in Canary: Out of the Shadows. That's easily an 80,000 word endeavor. 
Decisions, decisions.

I decide, as I don't value my sanity (we all know this), to count how many stories I have notebooks for that I've researched and/or started writing. You know, on a whim. 😑
There are a dozen on OneNote.
ONE DOZEN books I've put notes on, and I've probably started 80% of those.  😶

I'm torn between wanting to cheer and checking myself in somewhere safe. Because I also have a list with around eighteen titles with ideas for books and at least half a dozen stories I started that aren't on my OneNote pages. 😳
And I KNOW that I'll keep having ideas as I work through the process of writing the next two or three books. My list won't be going down. If anything, it'll probably remain steady. 

Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Fantasy Romance, LGBT Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, LGBT, and more. 

I believe diversity in writing only helps readers and authors. We are all made of so many different things. As long as we keep writing these stories, we will have readers to connect with. 💖

Always writing*

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