
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

When I realized writers (me) were insane.

It happened to me. About a minute and a half ago. Taking a small brain break. Looking at FB. When it hit me. I am certifiable. Completely. And well with it.

Writers are insane. Insane obligatory definition:  in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction.

 That's my wheelhouse. But let me really explain a writer's insanity to you.

Right now, I'm making a TikTok/Insta video. I'm wearing my TARDIS pants, a ratty shirt, and my beautiful hair is pulled up in a not-so-cute bun. Laundry is laundrying. I'm drinking a Red Bull and water.

I have eight tabs open on one screen and my Clipchamp on the other screen with my project up. I'm sifting through 295 audio clips to find the perfect one to go with my visual I created on Canva. I color-coordinated my arrows on my visual to match my book cover. I changed the arrows up so my readers, hopefully, won't be bored with the look. I though using all the same arrows would be monotonous. Yes. I am stressing about ARROWS. 

I have my visual on screen for exactly 15 seconds because I want the audience to be able to read the necessary words but not grow so bored they swipe too quickly. That defeats the purpose. I will come up with a two or three sentence synopsis I will use to scroll-at the right speed-over said visual. It will also need to be the right color and font.

I started writing my fantasy romance. I've written a chapter. It's a good chapter. And I spent a great deal of two days typing '"word" synonym' because I had a word I could use, but it wasn't perfect. So I Thesaurus'd the hell out of some of the vocabulary looking for the EXACT verbiage I needed. Not satisfied until I found it. I scoured 65 pages of "Woman Fantasy Warrior" because I needed a good visual for my Hero, and I had to sift through fictional women wearing a handkerchief on the upper and lower bits. 65 pages, guys.

And I do this GLADLY. I look for the perfect everything when I write. I discard the meh, the almost, the "this COULD do", in favor of the shiniest, prettiest, best I can find for my audience.

The biggest tell-all of not quite being on the sane train?

I've taught myself this. I didn't know some of this organically. I love it. My SOUL loves it. The passion has ALWAYS been there. But if you would have told me that I would create something on Canva and then pop it on Clipchamp to add audio and THEN post it on my socials, I would have laugh-snorted and called you delusional.

But here I am. Looking like something Simba coughed up and creating content. 
I love my job. 

Always creating content and havoc...  

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