
Saturday, April 27, 2024


I'm that woman. The full moon makes me want to howl and walk through the mist and fog in a flowy gown with bare feet. Toes pressed to cool dirt. Hair blowing in the breeze.  

Dreary overcast days are best for writing. The outside affects the inside. It's a wonder I don't have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Hell, maybe I do. Supposed to storm here today. Looking forward to it. Maybe I should move to Seattle or London. Where was that spot the Cullens lived? 🤔

When I'm irritated/annoyed/pissed, I can write fight scenes like no one's business. I can work my steam out through the characters. We're both better for it. I think it adds the realism to it. If I'm in a mellow mood, it's hard for me to work up a good mad. And when I'm het up, I'm not feeling the calmer scenes. My blood pressure tends to have a bearing. 😂 I'll often wait until I'm in a certain mood to write a scene.

Sex scenes are the same. If I've stubbed my toe, spilled my drink, and have a headache, no one is getting any. Sorry, guys. Writing sensual scenes is a mood. You can't force it. Sure, you can put A in B and lick C, but if the writer is not feeling it writing it...the reader won't feel it reading it. There are times it's the first thing out the gate and others where I squeeze them in later. But also? Chemistry.

I don't write Erotica because I need the emotional connection between my characters, and I need that connection with me. We're a team. I need them to create a bond, and I build on that. Erotic Romance will have that happily-ever-after, and that one simple thing will always draw me to write in the genre.

Mixing it up. 

I've gone to the dark side. I've learned to kill some of my darlings, and it's not a decision I take lightly. These characters are part of me. They live and breathe in me. They are my creations. But when I start writing a new book, I caution myself about the characters. Take that in. Sometimes, I don't even know who's not going to make it. 

And when I have to do the deed, I completely lose my shit. I sob. I grieve. I ache. It's a fresh little scar. I mourn for the characters. It's never a simple speed bump. That's all I need you to know. It gets dark here, my friend. 

Let's slide back into the sunshine.

Books mirror lives. The ups and downs. The joy and pain. The beauty and the ugliness. 
But romance gives you happily-ever-after. 
Good vibes.
A moment to step away from what you have going on for a break.
Feels good from this side, too. 😌

Always writing*



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