
Sunday, October 8, 2023

Dreams come true

It happened. 

I now have an 8 year-old grandson, and 5,4,3, and 2 year-old granddaughters. Wasn't I just 25? With a 1,2, and 3 year-old of my own???
In my early fifties now. I've lived over half a century. It's not off-putting. It's fucking marvelous.

Sure, my body is in a bit of disarray, but I'm still here. And I'm living my dream.
How many people can actually say that?

Started publishing in 2005 and hit it HARD. Several books published from then until 2009, I believe. Then, you know, several life traumas killed the creative life, and my family came first. Large hiatus from then until I began writing again.
I ramped back up in 2016. Still hard to truly immerse when I'm working forty hours a week and commuting ten more. But weekends were purely writing.
Able to retire early in July 2021.
THAT began my real journey.
I'm what I will term a "floodgate" author. Once I open my mind to writing and let ideas flow, I'm inundated with them. Stop and start writing was nearly painful for me. I didn't know what I was shutting out, and it was awful.

Now? I write six out of seven days, full-time. I'm going to at least four or five author/book festivals a year. I am WRITING. Jotting any and all notes for current and future books.
THIS is my dream. I want to continue to grow and develop my skill. Write books that make people think, feel, love, and dream. Because that's what writing them does for me.

Dreams come true.

Always writing*
...finishing up Dark Descent... 

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