
Thursday, August 29, 2024

The world keeps spinning

I'm in the "WOAH WOAH, you wily bitch...slow your ass down" phase.

It's Thursday, right?

Monday, I got up at 3:35 in the AM because a family member had surgery. Didn't leave the hospital until nearly eleven. Vaguely remember arriving home to shove something in my mouth and fell into bed where I stayed until nine the next morning.
Body? Displeased. Brain? Slightly scrambled. 😬 

Tuesday, I picked up groceries. Well, I park, and the wonderful associates at 'Hood Mart bring them out to me. Shout out to EJ and Kameron! Brought them home(the groceries, not the associates) and attempted to meal prep and whatnot. Was in the kitchen until two in the afternoon. Trying Keto. Wore myself out. In rocker recliner rest of day.

Wednesday morning, I received a text from hospitalized family member saying she's sprung, and I put on clothes and drove down to rescue her. We waited for Rx to be filled. Three out of four. 😒 Dropped her at home and then came back to the city to go to Sam's to finish the rest of the grocery list. 

It's hot.
Have y'all noticed?
The heat wears on me like bags of sand around my waist. I feel like I'm swimming in mud uphill. I loathe it. So I grab a cart I can lean on and amble into Sam's. 
Grab my stuffs.
Check out my stuffs.
Drag my ass back to my car.
Park cart.
Shuffle back to car.
Start car and put air on HIGH.
Leave butterfly shades on front because I'm sweating like a dog. 
Eventually cool down enough remove shades and get the hell home.
Repeat grocery hell.

Strip down and slingshot bra (secretly hoping to never see it again). Lay on bed. Fan on. Briefly wonder what day it is and decide I really don't give a shit.

End scene.

Actually in the Sanctuary today. Hoping to write before it gets too hot in here to do so. I'M DONE WITH SUMMER, THANK YOU.

Always writing*
...and bitching about this bullshit heat...

Sunday, August 18, 2024

What do readers like?

"A little bit of everything."

I asked every reader who came to my table yesterday what they liked to read. Nearly every one gave the answer above. I love that because that's what I write.
The problem being...the powers that be tell writers to stick to one thing and make it your "brand" except I don't stick to one thing. I like several things. I read eclectic. I write eclectic. I can't brand myself as a paranormal romance author or contemporary romance author or fantasy author or urban fantasy author because I write them all. 
I LOVE writing them all. And as I tell readers and will tell them repeatedly...the characters dictate the story, I simply write the book.
Right now that's an urban fantasy I'm halfway through and a contemporary romance I've only started. The next is the third book in my fantasy series trio. 

When I came up with my logo and tagline, I knew what I was doing. It's broad, yes. But who knows what I'll come up with in my writing? My first book in 2005 dealt with the world of Virtual Reality FAR before its time. I've toyed with a book about parthenogenesis. Flipping the script on gods and goddesses. And an idea I had last night about an alcohol study I find fascinating. 
I have to write everything down, or I will not remember! That's the important part. 

Inman Books
Infinite Possibilities

Always writing* 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

We all do it

Writers, I mean.
We can't help ourselves.
Honestly? We don't WANT to.
It's an itch. A deep, under the skin, nearly to the bone, itch we can only assuage if we give in. And we SO give in...with delight, I may add.

I love post-it notes. This has only gotten worse as I've aged. It's a need, folks. I have my pastel post-it notes in the "using now" tray whilst the other posties hang tight and wait for their turn. Will they HAVE a turn? Or will I simply reorder more pastels??? Depends on my moody ass. 😁
Oh, sweet Lord. I love notebooks. The reason? I have ink in my veins, and I so need to put that down guessed it...notebooks. Of course, I only write in the PLAIN notebooks because how could I write in the gorgeous notebooks with only notes??? No, folks. Saving those for something special. What that special thing one knows. Not even me. Yet, we wait. And we save them like they're the Holy Grail of paper bound in sacredness. (This the tiniest fraction of my cache. Amen)
I have gel pens, colored pencils with multi-colors for the lead, highlighters, pastel highlighters (yes...I am on a pastel kick--but they are so PRETTY), and colored pens.
Of course, if you read my last blog, you know I only write my notes with one pen. 
The irony, right?
BUT...when my one pen ran out of ink and was being wonky, I simply reached over and snagged a pen, silver thankyouverymuch, and continued writing. Do I need this many back-ups? 😂 
Of course not! But I think I'm going to use them to write letters to the gbabies. Mimi is that extra.

I'm also a complete sucker for planners. I've actually purchased a 2025 from Amazon, already. But I'm not sure I like the feel of it. That matters, of course. My last two were from the same company, and I liked both the look and feel. 🤔

To sum up, if you take me into a bookstore, not only will I spend forever in the clearance books looking for that weird title that will somehow light my fire and help when I'm writing, I will drool over every notebook and planner in sight.
Yes, I have a problem. No. I will surely not even try to fix it.

Last note: My now-wife took me to a bookstore on our first date. I told her it was foreplay. 😄
You're people will know you. 💖

Always writing*
...and adding more to the collective...