
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Et tu, Amazon?

Snafus are fun, aren't they??? 😑
I mean, here I am, living my life, trying to plan ahead for my next book event, Flirty in Kansas City 2025. Ordering new business cards, swag, and more books.
Well. TRYING to order more books.
And I did. In a timely manner. 
They were supposed to be delivered January 25th. Twenty-five each of two titles. But now? NOW???
Oh. They're being delivered ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT. 😡
What the absolute shit, Amazon?
I have books to sell, don't get me wrong. But I needed more of Canary: Dark Descent and more of my Erotic Romance, Please Come Again. This is a FOUR room book event. Thousands will come through. 
Sure, I'll have a notebook as a back-up, but this is my first real cock-up at an event, and I'm displeased.
Of course, it'll be fine. I'll be fine. It'll be fine. 
Fine fine fine. 😶
I'm going next year, as well. 
I'll have a stockpile ready. 😂

Even when you plan ahead, there's always the other guy. Unreliable little shits that they can be. I'm looking at YOU, Amazon.

Always writing*
...and putting together infinite swag bags...oh, help me...

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