Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Et tu, Amazon?
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Age of Aquarius
I'm exhausted.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Oh. You mean NOW NOW???
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Phoenix, the creature of myth and legend...
...rising from its own ashes and bursting from the soot to soar triumphantly to the heavens again.
Burnt and ashy as hell. Choking on cinder and ember.
But I am HERE! Cue "Rocky" music. The trumpet one. THEN the "Eye of the Tiger." 😌
I took the rest of December to try and reset and balance. Did I? Honestly? As much as I could. I attempt to manage my mental and physical health. It's the best I can do. I can understand why I have some of the mental issues I do. But I still hold a large grudge against anxiety because, as I told my therapist, it's like my brain playing chicken with itself, and it surely pisses me off. Physically? Fibro can get fucked. No detours.
Now then.
The writing. One of the loves of my soul. I need it as I do breathing. I didn't write resolutions, as I haven't for years, but I write goals. And the seven I posted in the Sanctuary refer to my writing. Lofty? Sweet Jesus. You could say. But you have to dream big. Never been a problem for me. Now to try and convince my body and mind to place nice.
I tend to feel better when I write because it activates the happy part of my brain. That little corner is dusty as hell right now. Cobwebs. Dark things with bad attitudes. I'll need to open windows and sweep floors and keep it up a bit better.
I want to finish four titles in 2025: Canary: Out of the Shadows, Dream Walker, Incantation, and a Contemporary Romance. Finished in this order except the last two might be interchangeable.
I'll try to be more present as I have a tendency to disappear when my mind and body go haywire. And just to end this on a good furry son, Simba. I love this little asshole more than I can say. Thirteen years-old and such a heathen. 💖😌
Happy New Year