
Monday, April 15, 2019

Puzzle Pieces

When I write, I have a "click" when I'm going in the right direction.  I hear it in my head.  Pieces have to fit juuuuuussssstttttt so.  No problem.  But that goes with a lot of other things in my life.  It's mostly intuition.  A quiet sense of knowing exactly what I should be doing.  And it's comforting.

I've finished a couple of works since the beginning of the year, and I'm looking at agents and publishers.  And they're looking at me.  A decade ago, you might receive an incredibly brisk dismissal and that was the end.  The agents now seem to be kinder and gentler.  I thank social media for some of that.  Word gets around quickly.

Some of the rejections are simply that the agent didn't feel strongly enough, and I respect that.  I don't want anyone half-assed representing my work.  I don't.  No one else is going to, either.  It's a partnership.

I've gone on agent sites where I didn't like the font and immediately crossed them off.  Didn't like some of the layout or colors with other ones.  Too utilitarian.  Several little things that I could not see myself working with. 

But I have hope that there will be a fit.  Pretty little puzzle pieces connecting in my writing journey.  Because I won't stop until I have that.  And if it means self-publishing, I've done it.  And I enjoy it.  It's not like that's a threat.  It's simply another direction.

I'll continue to produce my work while trying to find someone to help distribute.  That'll never cease.  My heart and soul require the writing.  And isn't that the best?

Always writing*

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