
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Dream Walker

I write what I should write. 

In essence, I write what the voices tell me. Does the absolute madness of that sentence bother me? Not in the slightest. The voices say it shouldn't. 😂

While I have over two dozen ideas for books TBW (to-be-written), I don't go willy-nilly into the fray. I have some semblance of order in the madness and gorgeous chaos.

However, sometimes a stray idea wanders in, tells every other story to fuck smooth off, and settles itself into my grey matter with a bottle of Wild Turkey. The liquor flows. The story goes.

Two completely unexpected things happened this year. 

I tried to force myself to write to market. Sweet Jesus. This was horrific. I failed miserably. Wasted my time. Regret. Flogging myself with an ampersand. Shame, etc.

The other being a character named Rissa, who wandered into my world. Okay. She kicked in the doors, scared the shit out of everyone but Ray, and settled in for the long haul.
Her story resonates. I have a thing for damaged characters. A ken for the lost souls. Being a serial killer at the grand age of seven counts.

Ever had something special about you? Something wonderful no one else could do? Then have it twisted to become the worst thing about you? Used with absolutely no regard to your mental or physical health?
Rissa has.
And the price?
The price was only her soul.

I had to tell her story before I finished Ray's in "Canary: Out of the Shadows". 
I should finish this month. I lack right around 10,000 words or so. Some stitching. Definite polish. 

But the story? The awful story? And Rissa's redemption? Oh. It's all there. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024


Yes. In that order.

I always thought once I reached a certain age, I would have less complications in my life. I now know that was bullshit to the highest power. 
There are second-generation issues from my babies.
There are third-generation issues from my gbabies.
Everything else steps aside for them.

I write every weekday morning, Saturday, and occasionally Sunday. This morning, I chose to write and work on my book cover for "Dream Walker". (I DO like my period outside the quote marks.)

I edit from the beginning of DW, do a bit of stitching (pulling scenes together, adding chapter headings), and write on a couple of scenes.
FB message from middle child. She is encountering a large amount of stress. Would like my thoughts on something. My pleasure. We chat for a few. I think she feels a bit better as we wrap up.
I go back to the written work.
Ten to fifteen minutes later, oldest child snaps me and asks if I'm busy and if he can vent. Nope. Not busy. Hit me, child.
Snappity snaps.

Writing is my passion. I often joke I would be the woman in Bellevue, back in the day with a piece of chalk in her hand, content to scribble on walls the rest of her days. I know for sure I wouldn't have been let loose on the streets. But I digress.

But those who come from me are my soul. These are the pieces of me left long after I've disappeared from this earth. They deserve my love, time, and support more than any one or thing. 
That is perspective. 
If it takes me a wee bit longer to finish DW, then I suppose it takes a bit longer. 

True dat.

Always writing*
...and searching for the purrfect gif...


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Continuing Education

Everything in this world could use some continuing education. You like to paint ceramics? Keep taking classes to find out new brush strokes or combinations of colors. You like to write scripts? Keep taking classes to keep up with what's in demand. You like making slime? Keep watching YouTube videos for what you can put inside slime that won't disintegrate.

And if you love writing books, well, you've a world of continuing education in front of you.

First of all, the book world is constantly evolving. "Never" is never used. Writers will "never" like they've "nevered" before. I love it. Second of all, market changes on a dime. Vampires are big. Now not so much. Buggy (Amish) are big. Now not so much. What's hot right now? Dark Romance. Reverse Harem. Women are ruling the world AND in-between the pages. 

What do writers do?
We educate ourselves.
I would advocate taking at least six courses/workshops/going to a couple conferences a year. This keeps you connected to the living breathing being that is the writing world and especially your genre(s).

I wasn't able to go to a workshop I registered for last week because I was watching granddaughters, but I caught up this morning. An hour and forty-five minutes on Planning and Brainstorming by Jen Graybeal. It was fantastic and FREE. If you ever get a chance, take one of her classes or workshops.
I have an Oklahoma Romance Writer's Guild Meeting at 2 pm. If you can join a group of likeminded individuals, please DO! This is ALSO free! Wonderful to have a supportive peer group.
At 3 pm, I'm attending another workshop. This one is "Secrets of a Bestselling Amazon Book Page" with Penny Sansevieri. I believe this one cost $10.

It's incredibly important to continue with learning your craft. Honing. Shaping. 
Learning never stops, guys.
If you're in love with what you do, then this is truly a labor of love. 💖

Always writing*
...or attending some writerly business...